Set upΒΆ

  1. To run Efitter you need a parameter file in Python language format that specifies:

    • input structures to fit

    • EM maps

    • fitting parameters

    • optionally, options for execution on a computer cluster

  2. For this tutorial, the parameter files are already prepared for both CR and NR Y-complexes in the scnpc_tutorial/CR_Y_complex/systematic_fits/ and scnpc_tutorial/NR_Y_complex/NR_Y_complex_de_novo_run/systematic_fits/ directories (from our git repository). The file contains (example parameters file for CR Y-complex following):

    from efitter import Map
    from string import Template
    dry_run = False
    run_crashed_only = True
    master_outdir = './result_fits_chimera'
    MAPS = [
        Map('em_maps/CR_with_Y_no_env_relative.mrc', threshold=0.0142, resolution=40)
    models_dir = './PDB'
    PDB_FILES = [
    CA_only = False
    backbone_only = False
    move_to_center = True
    fitmap_args = [
        # We suggest to run a small test run with search 100 first
        # {
        #     'template': Template("""
        #         map $map
        #         map_threshold $threshold
        #         fitmap_args resolution $resolution metric cam envelope true search 100 placement sr clusterAngle 3 clusterShift 3.0 radius 600 inside .30
        #         saveFiles False
        #         """),
        #     'config_prefix': 'test'
        #     },
        # Paramters for main runs (
            'template': Template("""
                map $map
                map_threshold $threshold
                fitmap_args resolution $resolution metric cam envelope true search 100000 placement sr clusterAngle 3 clusterShift 3.0 radius 600 inside .30
                saveFiles False
            'config_prefix': 'search100000_metric_cam_rad_600_inside0.3_res_40'
    # If necessary, edit the below template following specifications of
    # cluster_submission_command
    # and template for your cluster submission script (using Python string.Template formatting)
    cluster_submission_command = 'sbatch'
    run_script_templ = Template("""#!/bin/bash
    #SBATCH --job-name=$job_name
    #SBATCH --nodes=1
    #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=m=2000
    #SBATCH --time=10:00:00
    #SBATCH --error $pdb_outdir/log_err.txt
    #SBATCH --output $pdb_outdir/log_out.txt


    Read more about fit libriaries and how to set up the parameters file in the Assembline manual. Remember that you can retrieve and inspect template parameter files in Assembline/doc/templates from our Assembline git repository.

  3. Based on the above example parameter file, Efitter will run six fitting runs - one for each input PDB structure. You can run these as six independent jobs on a computer cluster or six processes on a multicore computer, or one by one on a single core computer.

  4. To run on a computer cluster, adjust the cluster_submission_command and run_script_templ to the queuing system on your cluster (the provided example would work only on a Slurm cluster). It is important that you include $job_name, $pdb_outdir, and $cmd in your script template.

  5. To run on a multicore computer, remove cluster_submission_command and replace the run_script_templ with

    run_script_templ = Template("""#!/bin/bash
    echo $job_name
    $cmd &>$pdb_outdir/log&


In the CR Y-complex parameters file example (from above), more settings than what will actually be used for modelling were left in (all the ones with False value, e.g. dry_run = False) in order to give a broader overview of the available options to users.